Tide: Component 1: section A

Component 1: section A
Context: - Designed for heavy duty, machine cleaning, Procter and Gamble lunched Tide in 1946 and it quickly became the brand leader in America. Uniquely DM&B used print and radio advertising campaigns concurrently in order to quickly build audience with familiarly with the brand. Both media forms used the “housewife” ideal and that the customers “loved” and “adored” Tide.

Colour: - Use of red on the product makes it stand out. Also just the use of red makes the text and key words stand out of the page. The lady is wearing a very clean blue and white shirt which is used to emphasise the effects of the soap. A colourful cartoon in the bottom right hand corner shows that you can have a colourful life with ‘Tide’.
Central image:-The lady appears very happy as she has her hands on a box of Tide, moreover she is your typical American in the 1950’s as she would have been a house wife and now she has tide her life is so much easier. The love hearts, above the central image, emphasises how much she loves Tide meaning that you would love it as much as you love your husband.

Layout and design:-The heading is very bold at the top of the page, “Tides got what women want” shows the target market as women are the main people who were working in the house in the 1950’s.The central image takes up most of the page as it is meant to draw the viewers’ attention toward the happy image of the American women.

Typography and graphics:-There are various fonts and size of writing used in the advert, this would have been done to make the viewer read every piece of information on the advert as the will want to see all the different styles of writing. Also ever time ‘Tide’ is mentioned the colour of the text is red to help it stand out. All the quotes are in cartoon on the advert, this shows that the people are dreaming in amazement. Also the use of hyperbole in “Wold’s cleanest wash” shows that Tide is the best soap in the world and it is a must buy, if you want to keep up with the times.

Language and mode of address:-Women are targeted in this advert as they are mentioned throughout the text on advert. Bell Hooks would say that the white female represents the capitalist country of America, if bell Hooks was in control of the media then it would have been a strong black women. Moreover the advert uses a well-known business in ‘good housekeeping’ this will add credibility to the product as it is recommended. Also the use of ! Makes the advert feel that the advert is ordering you to buy the product, this is an example of Barthes proairetic code. It is a hard sell, it uses alliteration where it says “what women want” this would have been used to encourage women to buy the product and the line would stay in their heads when they are shopping.

Attitudes and beliefs:-This advert is a typical advert of the 1950’s as it is there is heavy links to the stereotypical American house wife who looks after/has children and does all the house work while the male is getting the money in a cooperate job. This was the norm in 1950’s capitalist America.  Therefore this advert is telling American house wife’s that your world can be so much better when you have ‘Tide’.

Association:-the use of cartoon in the bottom right hand corner suggests that the advert on TV or in other magazines would look like that.


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