Analysis of print advertising products

·         Layout and design: how is the advert constructed? Consider where the images and text are placed and the effect of this.
·         Central image: what is it and why had it been chosen? What does it communicate about the product?
·         Typography and graphics: what can you say about the font styles used or any graphics that appear in the advert? How to they help to persuade the audience?
·         Visual codes: how has the print advert communicated messages through the use of colour, expression, gesture and technique.
·         Colour: is there a colour scheme and, if so, what does this suggest? Does it link to some element of the product? Is it part of the branding? What message does it communicate about the product itself?
·         Print technical codes: consider the camera angles, shots, lighting, editing techniques, for example airbrushing, that are used in the advert. How to they communicate messages?
·         Language and mode of address: how does the advert ‘speak’ to its audience. What kinds of words and language devices, for example alliteration, are used and what does that say about the product? Is it a hard sell or a soft sell advert?
·         Attitude and beliefs: what attitudes and beliefs are conveyed through the advert? Some adverts suggest that purchasing the product will change your life in some way.

·         Association: does the advert use intertextuality so that we make associations between the product and other media forms?


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